Tag Archives: conversion

How to Convert SWF Files to Images?

How to extract raster images from SWF file?

The SWF format is one that you’ll find commonly used for browser games, vector animations and other types of multimedia that imply video, sound and/or user interaction. Initially developed by Macromedia, SWFs are currently Adobe Flash files and their name is an acronym for ShockWave Flash or Small Web File.

SWF files can contain a collection of images, including both vectors and bitmaps, as well as ActionScript content — a scripting language that facilitates user interaction. A SWF file can contain from few images to more than a hundred pictures with text, animation, and scripts in various combinations. For example, one page with text and several raster images inside it. Extracting all raster images by converting a SWF file to one or more image files can be a tricky operation and requires using a software program that can process multi-page image files, such as reaConverter.

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3 Tips for Integrating TIF Conversion in your Custom Solution


The TIF (Tagged Image File) format is often preferred by photographers because of the image quality it provides, as well as its compression features and availability for editing. TIFs provide high colour-depth images and smaller processing times than, for example, EPS or AI files. Apart from photography, the TIF format is also used in the professional printing or publishing industry and in graphic art.

As opposed to JPEGs, which provide a “lossy compression” of the image, TIF files can ensure a “lossless” compression, thus retaining all the image details with increased accuracy. This, however, also means that uncompressed TIF files tend to get very large and are more difficult to store or share.

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How to Keep EXIF Date & Time When Converting Images

If you are a professional photographer who learned his trade before digital cameras became as widespread as they are today, you probably remember that you had to have your own technique for keeping track of how you took each photo. Most photographers from the non-digital era had to carry around a notebook whenever they planned a photo shoot, and wrote down details such as exposure, shutter speed, aperture, if they used a flash or not, etc. This way, when handling their images in the photo lab, they could tell what they did wrong or what they did right depending on how the photo turned out.

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