Category Archives: Image conversion

3 Tips for Integrating TIF Conversion in your Custom Solution


The TIF (Tagged Image File) format is often preferred by photographers because of the image quality it provides, as well as its compression features and availability for editing. TIFs provide high colour-depth images and smaller processing times than, for example, EPS or AI files. Apart from photography, the TIF format is also used in the professional printing or publishing industry and in graphic art.

As opposed to JPEGs, which provide a “lossy compression” of the image, TIF files can ensure a “lossless” compression, thus retaining all the image details with increased accuracy. This, however, also means that uncompressed TIF files tend to get very large and are more difficult to store or share.

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Top 5 Image Editing Options When You Convert RAF Files

Fuji RAF

Most passionate photographers like to carefully control all kinds of details related to their photos — from adjusting colours and lights, to correcting red eyes or cropping. And for this reason, they prefer setting their camera to take pictures in RAW format. Also known as “digital negatives”, RAW image files have the great advantage of allowing a wide array of computer editing options.

If you like to take your quality photos with a Fujifilm camera and have just got the new X-E1 model, for example — you will soon discover your RAW image files have the RAF extension. This is the typical format for all Fujifilm cameras, and while generally preferred by photographers, it might prove difficult to handle at first. Why? Because RAF files are not recognized by many regular photo viewers, so you may have problems opening and editing them. Moreover, they have a very large size (up to 6 times more than a JPEG), so sending or moving a large group of photos might prove to be equally difficult.

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How to Keep EXIF Date & Time When Converting Images

If you are a professional photographer who learned his trade before digital cameras became as widespread as they are today, you probably remember that you had to have your own technique for keeping track of how you took each photo. Most photographers from the non-digital era had to carry around a notebook whenever they planned a photo shoot, and wrote down details such as exposure, shutter speed, aperture, if they used a flash or not, etc. This way, when handling their images in the photo lab, they could tell what they did wrong or what they did right depending on how the photo turned out.

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ARW Files: What Are They and How Can I Handle Them?


If you are a fan of Sony cameras, you probably came across this question while trying to see or send your digital photos. For a new owner of a Sony Cyber-shot DSC RX100, such as myself, handling ARW files turned out to be a tricky business. After taking the first series of photos with my brand new camera, I was quite excited to download and view them on my computer. However, I quickly started asking myself what type of files are these “ARWs” downloaded from my camera and why aren’t my regular image viewers able to open them?

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Managing the ICC Profiles of Images

When preparing images for print, most professional image handlers are particularly careful about how they manage the colors and tones, so as to make sure what will come out on paper will be according to what they planned while editing the image on screen. For this reason, they might want to pay attention to the configuration of the ICC profiles of their images.

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How Do I Convert the CR2 Images from my Canon Camera?


“I have a bunch of CR2 images downloaded from my camera and I can’t open them with any of the image viewers I have installed! Can reaConverter help?”

One of our website visitors sent us this question by e-mail a few days ago. She had just downloaded the photos she made with her brand new Canon Powershot and was excited to view them on her computer. However, she soon realized this was impossible to do with any of the regular software she had for viewing photos.

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How to Convert EPS Images with the Command-Line Interface

EPS conversion by command line

“I am looking for a tool to open EPS images from a webpage and save them as JPEGs to another location. Can reaConverter help me do this?”

One of our users recently sent us this question, so we passed it on to Alexander Korostelev from reaConverter, together with a few other questions regarding the use of a converter through a command-line interface.

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Handling NEF Images: 3 Essential Tips

Nikon cameras have lots of fans between both amateur and professional photographers. The brand provides such a huge variety of models and accessories, that it makes it really easy for you to start taking quality pictures, irrespective of the experience or training you have in the field of photography. However, as soon as you download the first set of photos made with your brand new Nikon D800, for example, you might notice they come in a format that your PC can’t decide how to open. The NEF image format is not supported by most regular viewers, and you might also notice it uses a lot of space on your hard-drive.

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